Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Adenocarpus complicatus |
Fabaceae |
Spain |
Laštuvka, A. & Laštuvka, Z. 2015. New records of Lepidoptera from the Iberian Peninsula for 2015 (Insecta: Lepidoptera). page 633 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Chamaecytisus hirsutus |
Fabaceae |
Italy |
Hartig, F. 1956. Prodromus dei Microlepidotteri della Venezia Tridentina e delle regioni adiacenti. page 171 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Chamaecytisus hirsutus |
Fabaceae |
Bulgaria |
Beiger, M. 1979. Materials to the knowledge of mining insects iof Bulgaria. page 501 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Chamaecytisus hirsutus subsp. hirsutus |
Fabaceae |
Poland |
Buszko, J. 1993. Studies of the mining lepidoptera of Poland. XIV. Mining Lepidoptera of the Ojców National Park. page 207 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis |
Fabaceae |
Poland |
Adamczewski, S. 1949. Notes on the mining Lepidoptera of Central Poland. page 25 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis |
Fabaceae |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page 212 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Chamaecytisus ruthenicus |
Fabaceae |
Russian Federation |
Bolshakov, L. V., Piskunov, V. I. & Baryshnikova, S. V. 2006. Microlepidoptera of the Tula area. 19. Additions and corrections for the families Tineidae,Gracillariidae,Epermeniidae,Ochsenheimeriidae, Lyonetiidae, Depressariidae, Gelechiidae,Tortricidae,Phycitidae, Pyraustidae, Pterophoridae (Hexapoda: Lepidoptera). page 21 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Chamaecytisus sp. |
Fabaceae |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 7 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Coronilla sp. |
Fabaceae |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 7 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisophyllum sessilifolium |
Fabaceae |
Russian Federation |
Hering, M. 1936a. Blattminen von Spanien. page 350 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus grandiflorus |
Fabaceae |
Portugal |
Corley, M. F. V. 2015. Lepidoptera of Continental Portugal. page 67 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus nigricans |
Fabaceae |
Poland |
Sawoniewicz, J. & Buszko, J. 1994. Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) reared from mining Lepidoptera in Poland. page 56 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus nigricans |
Fabaceae |
Austria |
Skala, H. 1935b. Zur Minenfauna Oberösterreichs. page 66 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus nigricans |
Fabaceae |
Italy |
Hartig, F. 1939. Sulla Minefauna della Venezia Tridentina. page 49 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus nigricans |
Fabaceae |
Hungary |
Szöcs, J. 1971. A lepkehernyók természetes tápnövényei, II. page 455 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus nigricans |
Fabaceae |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page 212 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus nigricans |
Fabaceae |
Germany |
Steudel, W. & Hofmann, E. 1882. Verzeichniss württembergischer Kleinschmetterlinge. page 210 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus scoparius |
Fabaceae |
Germany |
Koch, G. 1856. Die Schmetterlinge des südwestlichen Deutschlands, insbesondere der Umgegend von Frankfurt, Nassau und der Hessischen Staaten. page 440 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus scoparius |
Fabaceae |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page 212 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus scoparius |
Fabaceae |
Belgium |
de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, G. 1906. Catalogue raisonné des Microlépdoptères de Belgique. page 91 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus scoparius |
Fabaceae |
Netherlands |
Snellen, P. C. T. 1882. De vlinders van Nederland. Microlepidoptera, systematisch beschreven, 2 vols. page 778 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Russian Federation |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Tristan, N. I. 1985. A review of the leaf blotch miners of the genus Micrurapteryx Spuler (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) of the Palaearctic fauna. page 181 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Poland |
Schille, F. 1931. In Romaniszyn, J. & Schille, F. Fauna Motyli Polski. Tom II. Opracowal. page 269 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Germany |
Eckstein, K. 1933. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung. 5. Band Die Kleinschmetterlinge Deutschlands. page 158 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Italy |
Hartig, F. & Amsel, H. G. 1952. Lepidoptera Sardinica. page 95 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Belgium |
de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, G. 1906. Catalogue raisonné des Microlépdoptères de Belgique. page 91 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Czech Republic |
Skala, H. 1937a. Minen aus Mittel- und Südeuropa (Fortsetzung und Schluss). page 11 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus sp. |
Fabaceae |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 7 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Cytisus striatus |
Fabaceae |
Portugal |
Nunes, J. 2021. New records of Lepidoptera hostplants from Portugal (Insecta: Lepidoptera). page 7 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista florida |
Fabaceae |
Portugal |
Corley, M. F. V. 2015. Lepidoptera of Continental Portugal. page 67 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista pilosa |
Fabaceae |
Germany |
Grandi, G. 1931. Morfologia ed etologia comparata di Insetti a regime specializzato. I. La morfologia comparata di alcuni stati larvali di 20 Microlepidotteri minatori. page 306 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista sp. |
Fabaceae |
Germany |
Disqué, H. 1901a. Verzeichniss der in der Umgegend von Speyer vorkommenden Kleinschmetterlinge. page 217 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista sp. |
Fabaceae |
Poland |
Schille, F. 1931. In Romaniszyn, J. & Schille, F. Fauna Motyli Polski. Tom II. Opracowal. page 269 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista sp. |
Fabaceae |
Belgium |
de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, G. 1906. Catalogue raisonné des Microlépdoptères de Belgique. page 91 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista sp. |
Fabaceae |
Russian Federation |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Tristan, N. I. 1985. A review of the leaf blotch miners of the genus Micrurapteryx Spuler (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) of the Palaearctic fauna. page 181 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista sp. |
Fabaceae |
Belarus |
Ivinskis, P. 1993b. Check-list of Lithuanian Lepidoptera. page 36 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista sp. |
Fabaceae |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 7 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista tinctoria |
Fabaceae |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page 212 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista tinctoria |
Fabaceae |
Belgium |
De Fré, C. 1858. Catalogue des Microlépidoptères de la Belgique. page 147 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Genista tinctoria |
Fabaceae |
Germany |
Herrich-Schäffer, G. A. W. 1855. Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa zugleich als Text, Revision und Supplement zu Jakob Hübner's Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge. 5. Die Schaben und Federmotten. page 293 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Hippocrepis emerus |
Fabaceae |
Italy |
Hartig, F. 1964. Microlepidotteri della Venezia Tridentina e delle regioni adiacenti. Parte III. (Fam. Gelechiidae - Micropterigidae). page 171 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Laburnocytisus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Russian Federation |
Kuznetzov, V. I. 1981. Fam. Gracillariidae (Lithocolletiidae) - leaf blotch miners. In: Medvedev, G. S. (Ed.), A guide to the insects of the European part of the USSR. Lepidoptera. Vol. 4. Lepidoptera. Part 2. page 174 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Laburnum anagyroidis |
Fabaceae |
Italy |
Hartig, F. 1964. Microlepidotteri della Venezia Tridentina e delle regioni adiacenti. Parte III. (Fam. Gelechiidae - Micropterigidae). page 171 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Laburnum sp. |
Fabaceae |
Russian Federation |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Tristan, N. I. 1985. A review of the leaf blotch miners of the genus Micrurapteryx Spuler (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) of the Palaearctic fauna. page 181 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Laburnum sp. |
Fabaceae |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 7 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Lupinus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Russian Federation |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Tristan, N. I. 1985. A review of the leaf blotch miners of the genus Micrurapteryx Spuler (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) of the Palaearctic fauna. page 181 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Lupinus sp. |
Fabaceae |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 7 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Petteria sp. |
Fabaceae |
Russian Federation |
Kuznetzov, V. I. 1981. Fam. Gracillariidae (Lithocolletiidae) - leaf blotch miners. In: Medvedev, G. S. (Ed.), A guide to the insects of the European part of the USSR. Lepidoptera. Vol. 4. Lepidoptera. Part 2. page 174 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Sarothamnus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Belarus |
Ivinskis, P. 1993b. Check-list of Lithuanian Lepidoptera. page 36 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Sarothamnus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Germany |
Eckstein, K. 1933. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung. 5. Band Die Kleinschmetterlinge Deutschlands. page 158 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Sarothamnus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Poland |
Schille, F. 1931. In Romaniszyn, J. & Schille, F. Fauna Motyli Polski. Tom II. Opracowal. page 269 |
Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839) |
Sarothamnus sp. |
Fabaceae |
Russian Federation |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Tristan, N. I. 1985. A review of the leaf blotch miners of the genus Micrurapteryx Spuler (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) of the Palaearctic fauna. page 181 |