Acrocercops brongniardella (Fabricius, 1798) |
Szöcs, J. 1981b. Angaben über die minierenden Motten aus Budapest und Umgebung. page: 217 |
Aristaea pavoniella (Zeller, 1847) |
Szabóky, C. 2013. New data to the Microlepidoptera fauna of Hungary, part XV (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae, Depressariidae, Gracillariidae, Oecophoridae, Tineidae). page: 125 |
Aspilapteryx tringipennella (Zeller, 1839) |
Gozmány, L. A. 1956a. The Microlepidoptera coenoses of the Kisbalaton. page: 178 |
Callisto denticulella (Thunberg, 1794) |
Rebel, H. 1911b. Die Lepidopterenfauna von Herkulesbad und Orsova. Eine zoogeographische Studie. page: 423 |
Caloptilia alchimiella (Scopoli, 1763) |
Zeller, P. C. 1847b. Die Gracilarien. page: 316 |
Caloptilia azaleella (Brants, 1913) |
Szabóky, C. 2012. New data of the Microlepidoptera fauna of Hungary, part XIV (Lepidoptera: Tineidae, Gracillariidae, Gelechiidae, Crambidae). page: 46 |
Caloptilia cuculipennella (Hübner, 1796) |
Treitschke, F. 1833. Die Schmetterlinge von Europa (Fortsetzung des Ochsenheimer'schen Werks). Schaben – Geistchen. G. Hypsolopha – Orneodes. page: 205 |
Caloptilia elongella (Linnaeus, 1761) |
Zeller, P. C. 1847b. Die Gracilarien. page: 336 |
Caloptilia falconipennella (Hübner, 1813) |
Szöcs, J. 1971. A lepkehernyók természetes tápnövényei, II. page: 455 |
Caloptilia fidella (Reutti, 1853) |
Horváth, G. J. 1997b. New data to the knowledge of the Lepidoptera fauna of the Szigetköz. page: 241 |
Caloptilia fribergensis (Fritzsche, 1871) |
Fazekas, I. 2001. Somogy megye molylepke faunája (Lepidoptera: Microlepidoptera) [Microlepidoptera fauna of Somogy county (SW Hungary) (Lepidoptera: Microlepidoptera)]. page: 307 |
Caloptilia hauderi (Rebel, 1906) |
Kuznetzov, V. I. 1981. Fam. Gracillariidae (Lithocolletiidae) - leaf blotch miners. In: Medvedev, G. S. (Ed.), A guide to the insects of the European part of the USSR. Lepidoptera. Vol. 4. Lepidoptera. Part 2. page: 184 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Fazekas, I. 2001. Somogy megye molylepke faunája (Lepidoptera: Microlepidoptera) [Microlepidoptera fauna of Somogy county (SW Hungary) (Lepidoptera: Microlepidoptera)]. page: 307 |
Caloptilia honoratella (Rebel, 1914) |
Fazekas, I. 2001. Somogy megye molylepke faunája (Lepidoptera: Microlepidoptera) [Microlepidoptera fauna of Somogy county (SW Hungary) (Lepidoptera: Microlepidoptera)]. page: 307 |
Caloptilia populetorum (Zeller, 1839) |
Szabóky, C. 2005. New data to teh Microlepidoptera fauan of Hungary, part IX (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae, Gracillariidae, Prodoxidae, Tortricidae). page: 257 |
Caloptilia rhodinella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) |
Pastorális, G. 2010. A checklist of Microlepidoptera (Lepidoptera) occurred in the territory of Hungary (version. 1.4). page: 101 |
Caloptilia robustella Jäckh, 1972 |
Szabóky, C., Kun, A. & Buschmann, F. 2002. Checklist of the fauna of Hungary. Volume 2. Microlepidoptera. page: 26 |
Caloptilia roscipennella (Hübner, 1796) |
Horváth, G. J. 1981. The distribution of Caloptilia roscipennella Hbn. in the Little Plain in Northwestern Hungary (Lepidoptera). page: 238 |
Caloptilia rufipennella (Hübner, 1796) |
Szabóky, C., Kun, A. & Buschmann, F. 2002. Checklist of the fauna of Hungary. Volume 2. Microlepidoptera. page: 26 |
Caloptilia semifascia (Haworth, 1828) |
Gozmány, L. A. 1956a. The Microlepidoptera coenoses of the Kisbalaton. page: 178 |
Caloptilia stigmatella (Fabricius, 1781) |
Szöcs, J. 1981b. Angaben über die minierenden Motten aus Budapest und Umgebung. page: 217 |
Calybites phasianipennella (Hübner, 1813) |
Treitschke, F. 1833. Die Schmetterlinge von Europa (Fortsetzung des Ochsenheimer'schen Werks). Schaben – Geistchen. G. Hypsolopha – Orneodes. page: 210 |
Calybites quadrisignella (Zeller, 1839) |
Szabóky, C. 1981. 31 microlepidoptera species new to the fauna of Hungary. page: 275 |
Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimić, 1986 |
Szabóky, C. 1994. The occurrence of Cameraria ohridella in Hungary. page: 529 |
Dialectica imperialella (Zeller, 1847) |
Diószeghy, L. 1934. Die Lepidopterenfauna des Retyezatgebirges. page: 124 |