Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848)

Higher taxa: Gracillariidae (family)/  Acrocercopinae (subfamily)/  Leucospilapteryx (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Stainton, 1848)
Citation:Argyromiges omissella, Douglas, MSS.
Original genus:Argyromiges
Publication:Stainton, H. T. 1848a. A monograph on the British Argyromiges.
Pagination:2163; pl. 3, fig. 38
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Syntype unknown 3 syntypes (gender not stated). United Kingdom [United Kingdom], England, Charlton sand pit.

DNA voucher(s)
Distribution note:

The record from Norway (Benander 1940: 119) is erroneous (Aarvik et al. 2017: 37).

Scientific name Country Province Publication URL
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Austria Galvagni, E. & Ortner, A. 1951. Ueber die Schmetterlingsfauna der Schmidawiesen bei Neu-Aigen sowie des Tullnerfeldes überhaupt (Zone 15 des Prodromus). page 73
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Belgium Janmoulle, E. 1962. Espèces nouvelles pour la faune belge (suite). page 39
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Bulgaria Beiger, M. 1979. Materials to the knowledge of mining insects iof Bulgaria. page 500
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Czech Republic Skala, H. 1937a. Minen aus Mittel- und Südeuropa (Fortsetzung und Schluss). page 11
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Denmark Karsholt, O. & Pedersen, K. 1977. Three species of Macrolepidoptera new to Denmark. page 41
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Estonia
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Finland
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) France Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 12
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) France page Pathpiva
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) France Corsica
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Georgia Kuznetzov, V. I., Kozlov, M. V. & Seksyaeva, S. V. 1988. To the systematics and phylogeny of mining moths Gracillariidae, Bucculatricidae and Lyonetiidae (Lepidoptera) with consideration of functional and comparative morphology of male genitalia. page 56
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Germany Wocke, M. F. 1877. Ueber einige wenig bekannte oder neue Falter der deutschen Fauna. page 627
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Hungary Szabóky, C., Kun, A. & Buschmann, F. 2002. Checklist of the fauna of Hungary. Volume 2. Microlepidoptera. page 27
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Italy Klimesch, J. 1950. Contibuto alla fauna Lepidopterologica del Trentino. page 46
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Japan Honshū Kumata, T. 1963b. Synonymic notes on a gracillariid moth. page 136
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Japan Kyūshū Kuroko, H. 1961. Studies on Lepidopterous leaf-miners from Japan I. Unrecorded species belonging to Gracillariidae. page 318, 321
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Japan Shikoku Kumata, T. 1963b. Synonymic notes on a gracillariid moth. page 136
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Japan Tusima Kumata, T., Kuroko, H. & Ermolaev, V. P. 1988b. Japanese species of the Acrocercops-group (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Part II. page 50
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Japan Nansei Shoto (Ryūkyū Islands) Kumata, T., Kuroko, H. & Ermolaev, V. P. 1988b. Japanese species of the Acrocercops-group (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Part II. page 50
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Japan Hokkaidō Matsumura, S. 1931. 6000 Illustrated insects of Japan-Empire. page 1105 (as ainoniella)
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Kazakhstan Puplesis, R., Diskus, A., Noreika, R. & Saparmamedova, N. 1996. Revised check-list of mining Lepidoptera (Nepticuloidea, Tischerioidea and Gracillarioidea) from Central Asia. page 195
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Korea, Republic of Paek, M.-K., Hwang, J.-M., Jung, K.-S., Kim, T.-W., Kim, M.-C., Lee, Y.-J., Cho, Y.-B., Park, S.-W., Lee, H.-S., Ku, D.-S., Jeong, J.-C., Kim, K.-G., Choi, D.-S., Shin, E.-H., Hwang, J.-H., Lee, J.-S., Kim, S.-S. & Bae, Y.-S. 2015. Checklist of Korean Insects page 259
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Latvia Savenkov, N. & Sulcs, I. 2004. New and rare Lepidoptera for the Latvian fauna. page 53
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Lithuania Hennon, P., Mask, R. & Holsten, E. 1993. Forest insect and disease conditions in Alaska – 1992. page 117
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Nepal page EIHU
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Netherlands Huisman, K. J., Kuchlein, J. H., van Nieukerken, E. J., van der Wolf, H. W., Wolschrijn, J. B. & Gielis, C. 1986. Nieuwe en interessante Microlepidoptera uit Nederland, voornamelijk in 1984 (Lepidoptera). page 142
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Poland Meyrick, E. 1927a. A revised handbook of British Lepidoptera. page 784
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Romania Caradja, A. 1899. Zusammenstellung der bisher in Rumänien beobachteten Microlepidopteren. page 208
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Russian Federation Far East Ermolaev, V. P. 1981b. New data on the fauna and ecology of mining species (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) in the south of the Far East. In: Krivolutskaya, G. O., Egorov, A. B., Fedikova, V. S. (Eds.), New information on insects of the Far East. page 82
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Russian Federation Central Asia Ermolaev, V. P. 1981b. New data on the fauna and ecology of mining species (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) in the south of the Far East. In: Krivolutskaya, G. O., Egorov, A. B., Fedikova, V. S. (Eds.), New information on insects of the Far East. page 82
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Russian Federation European Part Kuznetzov, V. I. & Baryshnikova, S. V. 1998. Brief catalogue of the mining moths of the fam. Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) of Russia and adjacent countries. page 22
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Russian Federation Far East (Primorye) Noreika, R. 1997. Gracillariidae. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. V. Trichoptera and Lepidoptera. Part 1. page 399
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Russian Federation Far East (Sakhalin) Noreika, R. 1997. Gracillariidae. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. V. Trichoptera and Lepidoptera. Part 1. page 399
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Russian Federation Far East (Kuril Islands) Noreika, R. 1997. Gracillariidae. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. V. Trichoptera and Lepidoptera. Part 1. page 399
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Serbia Skala, H. 1937b. Einiges über Falter-Minen aus dem Mediterrangebiet. page 110
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Slovakia Skala, H. 1937a. Minen aus Mittel- und Südeuropa (Fortsetzung und Schluss). page 11
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Spain Canary Islands (Gran Canaria)
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Spain Canary Islands
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Spain
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Sweden Benander, P. 1944. Sveriges Lithocolletider (Gracilariidae) [sic]. page 119
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Switzerland
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Ukraine Noreika, R. 1997. Gracillariidae. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. V. Trichoptera and Lepidoptera. Part 1. page 399
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) United Kingdom Stainton, H. T. 1848a. A monograph on the British Argyromiges. page 2163
Plant note:

Linear mine on lower surface of leaf.

Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia campestris Asteraceae Kumata, T., Kuroko, H. & Ermolaev, V. P. 1988b. Japanese species of the Acrocercops-group (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Part II. page 50
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia montana Asteraceae Japan Kumata, T. 1963b. Synonymic notes on a gracillariid moth. page 136
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia princeps Asteraceae Japan Kuroko, H. 1961. Studies on Lepidopterous leaf-miners from Japan I. Unrecorded species belonging to Gracillariidae. page 319, 321
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia sp. Asteraceae Japan Kumata, T. 1963b. Synonymic notes on a gracillariid moth. page 136
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia sp. Asteraceae Germany Eckstein, K. 1933. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung. 5. Band Die Kleinschmetterlinge Deutschlands. page 158
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia sp. Asteraceae United Kingdom Stainton, H. T. 1851b. On Gracilaria [sic], a genus of Tineidae. page 184
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia sp. Asteraceae Ermolaev, V. P. 1987b. Material on the fauna of Gracillariidae from Sakhalin and the southern Kuril Islands. In: Ler, P. A., Kirpichnikova, V. A. & Kononenko, V. S. (Eds.), Lepidoptera of the Soviet Far East. page 32
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia stolonifera Asteraceae Ermolaev, V. P. 1981b. New data on the fauna and ecology of mining species (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) in the south of the Far East. In: Krivolutskaya, G. O., Egorov, A. B., Fedikova, V. S. (Eds.), New information on insects of the Far East. page 82
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia sylvatica Asteraceae Ermolaev, V. P. 1981b. New data on the fauna and ecology of mining species (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) in the south of the Far East. In: Krivolutskaya, G. O., Egorov, A. B., Fedikova, V. S. (Eds.), New information on insects of the Far East. page 82
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Italy Hartig, F. 1939. Sulla Minefauna della Venezia Tridentina. page 61
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Latvia Savenkov, N. & Sulcs, I. 2004. New and rare Lepidoptera for the Latvian fauna. page 53
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Belgium Janmoulle, E. 1962. Espèces nouvelles pour la faune belge (suite). page 39
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Sweden Svensson, I. 1993. Anmärkningsvärda fynd av smafjärilar (Microlepidoptera) i Sverige 1992. page 30
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Bulgaria Beiger, M. 1979. Materials to the knowledge of mining insects iof Bulgaria. page 500
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Poland Jaworski, T. 2009. Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) of the "Skarpa Ursynowska" nature reserve in Warsaw. page 55
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae France Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 12
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Skala, H. 1937b. Einiges über Falter-Minen aus dem Mediterrangebiet. page 110
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Kumata, T., Kuroko, H. & Ermolaev, V. P. 1988b. Japanese species of the Acrocercops-group (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Part II. page 50
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Austria Galvagni, E. & Ortner, A. 1951. Ueber die Schmetterlingsfauna der Schmidawiesen bei Neu-Aigen sowie des Tullnerfeldes überhaupt (Zone 15 des Prodromus). page 73
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Slovakia Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page 213
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Denmark Karsholt, O. & Pedersen, K. 1977. Three species of Macrolepidoptera new to Denmark. page 41
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae United Kingdom Stainton, H. T. 1854a. Lepidoptera: Tineina. In: Insecta Britannica. Vol. 3. page 199
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Germany Voigt, G. 1929. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Minen und ihrer Erreger, sowie Beobachtungen über das Vorkommen von Minen im Rheingau und benachbarten rheinischen Gebieten. page 62
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Artemisia vulgaris Asteraceae Netherlands Huisman, K. J. & Koster, J. C. 2000. Nieuwe en interessante Microlepidoptera uit Nederland in hoofdzaak van de jaren 1997 en 1998 (Lepidoptera). page 197
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Dendranthema ornatum Asteraceae Japan Kumata, T., Kuroko, H. & Ermolaev, V. P. 1988b. Japanese species of the Acrocercops-group (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Part II. page 50
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Leucospilapteryx omissella (Stainton, 1848) Closterocerus turcicus Eulophidae Japan Kamijo, K. 1986b. Notes on Pediobius Walker (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) from Japan, with description of a new species. page 245
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Leucospilapteryx ainoniella (Matsumura, 1931) (Matsumura, 1931) species Synonym Dryadulla ainoniella