Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus alba |
Salicaceae |
Romania |
Draghia, I. 1968. Insectes mineurs. In: L'entomofaune de l'ile de Letea (Delta du Danube). page 319 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus alba |
Salicaceae |
Germany |
Steudel, W. & Hofmann, E. 1882. Verzeichniss württembergischer Kleinschmetterlinge. page 237 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus alba |
Salicaceae |
Austria |
Ruschka, F. & Fulmek, L. Z. 1915. Verzeichnis der an der K. k. Pflanzenschutz-Station in Wien erzogenen parasitischen Hymenopteren. page 397 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus alba |
Salicaceae |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page 197 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus angulata |
Salicaceae |
Germany |
Buhr, H. 1935. Mecklenburgische Minen. III. Lepidopteren-Minen. page 292 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus angulata |
Salicaceae |
Germany |
Buhr, H. 1935. Mecklenburgische Minen. III. Lepidopteren-Minen. page 292 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus balsamifera |
Salicaceae |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Martynova, E. F. 1954. A list of Lepidoptera of the region of the middle course of the river Ural. page 329 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus balsamifera |
Salicaceae |
United Kingdom |
Sich, A. 1903. Observations on the early stages of Phyllocnistis suffusella Zell. page 34 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus balsamifera |
Salicaceae |
Sweden |
Reuter, E. 1904. Bidrag till kännedomen om Microlepidopterfaunaen i Ålands och Åbo skärgårdar. page 44 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus canadensis |
Salicaceae |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Martynova, E. F. 1954. A list of Lepidoptera of the region of the middle course of the river Ural. page 329 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus candicans |
Salicaceae |
Norway |
Sundby, R. 1953. Studies on the leaf-mining moth, Phyllocnistis labyrinthella Bjerk. I. page 99 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus canescens |
Salicaceae |
Austria |
Mitterberger, K. 1909. Verzeichnis der im Kronlande Salzburg bisher beobachteten Mikrolepidopteren. page 307 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus diversifolia |
Salicaceae |
Turkmenistan |
Kuznetzov, V. I. 1960b. On the fauna and biology of Lepidoptera of the western Kopet-Dagh. Fauna and ecology of Turkmeniya. page 28 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus diversifolia |
Salicaceae |
Uzbekistan |
Martynova, E. F. 1955. Mining Lepidoptera of genus Phyllocnistis Z. (Lepidoptera, Phyllocnistidae) of fauna of the USSR. page 249 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus euphratica |
Salicaceae |
Israel |
Amsel, H. G. 1936a. Zur Kenntnis der Microlepidopterenfauna des südlichen Toten-Meer-Gebietes, nebst Beschreibung neuer palästinensischer Macro- und Microlepidoptera. page 272 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus laurifolia |
Salicaceae |
Norway |
Sundby, R. 1953. Studies on the leaf-mining moth, Phyllocnistis labyrinthella Bjerk. I. page 99 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus monilifera |
Salicaceae |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 15 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus monilifera |
Salicaceae |
Austria |
Mitterberger, K. 1909. Verzeichnis der im Kronlande Salzburg bisher beobachteten Mikrolepidopteren. page 307 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Italy |
Hartig, F. 1956. Prodromus dei Microlepidotteri della Venezia Tridentina e delle regioni adiacenti. page 195 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Norway |
Sundby, R. 1953. Studies on the leaf-mining moth, Phyllocnistis labyrinthella Bjerk. I. page 99 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Austria |
Mitterberger, K. 1909. Verzeichnis der im Kronlande Salzburg bisher beobachteten Mikrolepidopteren. page 307 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Martynova, E. F. 1954. A list of Lepidoptera of the region of the middle course of the river Ural. page 329 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Skala, H. 1938. Einiges über Falter-Minen aus dem Mediterrangebiet. page 31 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Portugal |
Corley, M. F. V. 2015. Lepidoptera of Continental Portugal. page 72 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Croatia |
Matoševic, D., Pernek, M., Dubravac, T. & Baric, B. 2009. Research of leafminers on woody plants in Croatia. page 385 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Massa, B., Rizzo, M. C. & Caleca, V. 2001. Natural alternative hosts of Eulophidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) parasitoids of the citrus leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in the Mediterranean Basin. page 93 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Ireland |
Bond, K. G. M. & Bennett, F. D. 2001. Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae, Phyllocnistinae) ... new to Ireland and first confirmed Irish record of Stenoptilia zophodactylus (Duponchel, 1840) (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae). page 208 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Poland |
Adamczewski, S. 1949. Notes on the mining Lepidoptera of Central Poland. page 25 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page 197 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Romania |
Draghia, I. 1971. Données concernant les insectes mineurs de la zone du futur lac artificiel "Portile de Fier". page 336 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Netherlands |
de Graaf, H. W. & Snellen, P. C. T. 1866. Microlepidoptera in Nederland waargenomen. — In: Herklots, J. A. Bouwstoffen voor eene Fauna van Nederland 3. page 297 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Germany |
Steudel, W. & Hofmann, E. 1882. Verzeichniss württembergischer Kleinschmetterlinge. page 236 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Ermolaev, V. P. 1987d. Phyllocnistidae from the Far East with descriptions of two new species. In: Ler, P. A., Kirpichnikova, V. A. & Kononenko, V. S. (Eds.): Lepidoptera of the Soviet Far East. page 39 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
United Kingdom |
Sich, A. 1903. Observations on the early stages of Phyllocnistis suffusella Zell. page 34 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Sweden |
Benander, P. 1944. Sveriges Lithocolletider (Gracilariidae) [sic]. page 118 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Lithuania |
Ivinskis, P. 1993b. Check-list of Lithuanian Lepidoptera. page 39 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
France |
Lhomme, L. 1934. Excursion au pays des mines et description d'une espèce nouvelle de Lithocolletis. page 161 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
Hungary |
Szöcs, J. 1981b. Angaben über die minierenden Motten aus Budapest und Umgebung. page 215 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra |
Salicaceae |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page 15 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
Poland |
Brischke, C. G. A. 1880. Die Blattminirer in Danzig's Umgebung. page 49 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
Sweden |
Benander, P. 1944. Sveriges Lithocolletider (Gracilariidae) [sic]. page 118 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
United Kingdom |
Emmet, A. M. 1988. A field guide to the smaller British Lepidoptera. Second edition. page 68 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
Austria |
Mitterberger, K. 1909. Verzeichnis der im Kronlande Salzburg bisher beobachteten Mikrolepidopteren. page 307 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
Austria |
Hartig, F. 1964. Microlepidotteri della Venezia Tridentina e delle regioni adiacenti. Parte III. (Fam. Gelechiidae - Micropterigidae). page 195 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
United Kingdom |
Sich, A. 1903. Observations on the early stages of Phyllocnistis suffusella Zell. page 34 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
Netherlands |
de Graaf, H. W. & Snellen, P. C. T. 1866. Microlepidoptera in Nederland waargenomen. — In: Herklots, J. A. Bouwstoffen voor eene Fauna van Nederland 3. page 297 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
Germany |
Steudel, W. & Hofmann, E. 1882. Verzeichniss württembergischer Kleinschmetterlinge. page 236 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
Italy |
Klimesch, J. 1950. Contibuto alla fauna Lepidopterologica del Trentino. page 51 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus nigra var. italica |
Salicaceae |
Japan |
Kobayashi, S., Sakamoto, Y., Jinbo, U., Nakamura, A. & Hirowatari, T. 2011. A new willow leaf blotch miner of the genus Phyllocnistis (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae: Phyllocnistidae) from Japan, with pupal morphology and genetic comparison of Salicaceae mining speces using DNA barcodes. page 90 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus simonii |
Salicaceae |
Poland |
Buszko, J. 1990. Studies on the mining Lepidoptera of Poland. X. Mining Lepidoptera of Torun and surrounding areas. page 415 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
United Kingdom |
Farren, W. 1865. Notes on Micro-Lepidoptera (extracted from an unpublished paper read before the Cambridge Entomological Society in February, 1865). page 291 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
Belgium |
Dufrane, A. 1957. Microlepidopteres de la faune belge (huitième note). page 15 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
Netherlands |
Snellen, P. C. T. 1882. De vlinders van Nederland. Microlepidoptera, systematisch beschreven, 2 vols. page 946 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
Belgium |
de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, G. 1906. Catalogue raisonné des Microlépdoptères de Belgique. page 106 (as suffusella) |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
Poland |
Büttner, F. O. 1880. Die pommerschen, insbesondere die Stettiner Mikrolepidoptern [sic]. page 467 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
Switzerland |
Frey, H. 1875. Zur Abwehr, eine Antwort an Herrn V. T. Chambers, Covington, Kentucky, U. S. N. A. page 418 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
Germany |
Koch, G. 1856. Die Schmetterlinge des südwestlichen Deutschlands, insbesondere der Umgegend von Frankfurt, Nassau und der Hessischen Staaten. page 450 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
Denmark |
Larsen, C. S. 1916. Fortegnelse over Danmarks Microlepidoptera. page 228 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
Austria |
Kasy, F. 1989. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schmetterlingsfauna des WWF-Naturreservates Marchauen / Marchegg (mit nani -au) in Niederösterreich. page 6 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus sp. |
Salicaceae |
Lithuania |
Ivinskis, P., Pakalniškis, S. & Puplesis, R. 1985. Augalus minuojantys vabzdziai. page 98 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus suaveolens |
Salicaceae |
Ermolaev, V. P. 1987d. Phyllocnistidae from the Far East with descriptions of two new species. In: Ler, P. A., Kirpichnikova, V. A. & Kononenko, V. S. (Eds.): Lepidoptera of the Soviet Far East. page 39 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus tremula |
Salicaceae |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Martynova, E. F. 1954. A list of Lepidoptera of the region of the middle course of the river Ural. page 329 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus tremula |
Salicaceae |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page 197 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus tremula |
Salicaceae |
Sweden |
Benander, P. 1944. Sveriges Lithocolletider (Gracilariidae) [sic]. page 118 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus tremula |
Salicaceae |
Austria |
Mitterberger, K. 1909. Verzeichnis der im Kronlande Salzburg bisher beobachteten Mikrolepidopteren. page 307 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus tremula |
Salicaceae |
Poland |
Brischke, C. G. A. 1880. Die Blattminirer in Danzig's Umgebung. page 48 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus tremula |
Salicaceae |
Germany |
Steudel, W. & Hofmann, E. 1882. Verzeichniss württembergischer Kleinschmetterlinge. page 237 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus tremula |
Salicaceae |
Italy |
Hartig, F. 1939. Sulla Minefauna della Venezia Tridentina. page 17 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus × berolinensis |
Salicaceae |
Norway |
Sundby, R. 1953. Studies on the leaf-mining moth, Phyllocnistis labyrinthella Bjerk. I. page 99 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus × berolinensis |
Salicaceae |
Poland |
Buszko, J. 1990. Studies on the mining Lepidoptera of Poland. X. Mining Lepidoptera of Torun and surrounding areas. page 415 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus × canadensis |
Salicaceae |
Romania |
Draghia, I., Nastase, I. & Nemes, I. 1979. Contribution à la connaissance des insectes mineurs de Moldavie. page 303 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus × canadensis |
Salicaceae |
Norway |
Sundby, R. 1953. Studies on the leaf-mining moth, Phyllocnistis labyrinthella Bjerk. I. page 99 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus × canadensis |
Salicaceae |
Germany |
Buhr, H. 1935. Mecklenburgische Minen. III. Lepidopteren-Minen. page 292 |
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834) |
Populus × canadensis |
Salicaceae |
Poland |
Buszko, J. & Baraniak, E. 1989. Studies on the mining Lepidoptera of Poland. IV. Mining Lepidoptera of the Bielinek Reserve. page 230 |