Caloptilia fidella (Reutti, 1853) |
Portugal |
Corley, M. F. V. 2015. Lepidoptera of Continental Portugal. page: 68 |
Caloptilia ulmi Kumata, 1982 |
Japan |
Kumata, T. 1982a. A taxonomic revision of the Gracillaria group occurring in Japan (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). page: 76 |
Caloptilia ulmi Kumata, 1982 |
Ermolaev, V. P. 1984. New species of leaf miners (Lepidoptera) from Sakhalin. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), Systematics of insects from the Far East. page: 51 |
Caloptilia ulmi Kumata, 1982 |
Ermolaev, V. P. 1984. New species of leaf miners (Lepidoptera) from Sakhalin. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), Systematics of insects from the Far East. page: 51 |
Caloptilia ulmi Kumata, 1982 |
China |
Liu, Y. Q. & Yuan, D. 1990. A study of the Chinese Caloptilia Hübner, 1825 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae: Gracillariinae). page: 186 |
Cameraria ulmella (Chambers, 1871) |
Chambers, V. T. 1871. Micro-Lepidoptera. page: 149 |
Cameraria ulmella (Chambers, 1871) |
Ely, C. R. 1918. A revision of the North-American Gracilariidae [sic] from the standpoint of venation. page: 51 |
Cameraria ulmella (Chambers, 1871) |
Frey, H. & Boll, J. 1876. Einige Tineen aus Texas. page: 224 |
Phyllonorycter acaciella (Duponchel, 1843) |
Austria |
Krone, W. 1905. Über die bisher unbekannten ersten Stände einiger Microlepidopteren. page: 102 |
Phyllonorycter acaciella (Duponchel, 1843) |
Kuznetzov, V. I. & Baryshnikova, S. V. 1998. Brief catalogue of the mining moths of the fam. Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) of Russia and adjacent countries. page: 28 |
Phyllonorycter acaciella (Duponchel, 1843) |
France |
Le Marchand, S. 1936. Clé ou table analytique pour la détermination des espèces françaises de Lithocolletis (Famille des Gracilariidae [sic]). page: 113 |
Phyllonorycter acaciella (Duponchel, 1843) |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page: 208 |
Phyllonorycter acaciella (Duponchel, 1843) |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page: 208 |
Phyllonorycter acaciella (Duponchel, 1843) |
Austria |
Krone, W. 1905. Über die bisher unbekannten ersten Stände einiger Microlepidopteren. page: 102 |
Phyllonorycter acaciella (Duponchel, 1843) |
Italy |
Costantini, A. 1923. [Contribution] in E. Turati. Cinque anni di ricerche nell'Appennino modenese (note di Lepidotterologia). Elenco dei Lepidotteri raccolti e note critiche e descritive con due tavole e con incisioni nel testo. page: 70 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
Zeller, P. C. 1846. Die Arten der Blattminierergattung Lithocolletis. page: 249 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
Slovakia |
Kollar, J. & Hrubik, P. 2009. The mining species on woody plants of urban environments in the west Slovak area. page: 85 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
Hungary |
Seprös, I. 1985a. Main Phytophagous Microlepidopters. I. Leaf miners. page: 44 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page: 208 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
Romania |
Caradja, A. 1920. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der geographischen Verbreitungder Mikrolepidopteren des palaearktischen Faunengebietes nebst Beschreibung neuer Formen. page: 159 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
Austria |
Zeller, P. C. 1846. Die Arten der Blattminierergattung Lithocolletis. page: 249 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
Belgium |
de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, G. 1906. Catalogue raisonné des Microlépdoptères de Belgique. page: 103 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
France |
Réal, P. 1997. Une mise au point sur les Phyllonorycter Huebner 1822 (ex-Lithocolletis Huebner 1825) de France et particulièrement de la coll. Fischer in coll. Ozorski (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae). page: 36 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
Germany |
Eckstein, K. 1933. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung. 5. Band Die Kleinschmetterlinge Deutschlands. page: 161 |
Phyllonorycter agilella (Zeller, 1846) |
Czech Republic |
page: ZSM |