Acrocercops cordiella Busck, 1934 |
Cuba |
Busck, A. [1934]. Microlepidoptera of Cuba. page: 174 |
Acrocercops cylicota Meyrick, 1914 |
India |
Meyrick, E. 1926c. Exotic Microlepidoptera. page: 294 |
Acrocercops lysibathra Meyrick, 1916 |
India |
Fletcher, T. B. [1921]. Life-histories of Indian Insects. Microlepidoptera. VI. Gracillariadae [sic]. page: 152 |
Acrocercops lysibathra Meyrick, 1916 |
India |
Fletcher, T. B. 1933. Life histories of Indian Microlepidoptera (Second Series). Cosmopterygidae to Neopseustidae. page: 53 |
Acrocercops pnosmodiella (Busck, 1902) |
Dyar, H. G. 1902. Descriptions of the larvae of some moths from Colorado. page: 409 |
Acrocercops tricyma Meyrick, 1908 |
page: EIHU |
Calybites phasianipennella (Hübner, 1813) |
Denmark |
Larsen, C. S. 1916. Fortegnelse over Danmarks Microlepidoptera. page: 212 |
Calybites phasianipennella (Hübner, 1813) |
Germany |
Eckstein, K. 1933. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung. 5. Band Die Kleinschmetterlinge Deutschlands. page: 158 |
Calybites phasianipennella (Hübner, 1813) |
Poland |
Schille, F. 1931. In Romaniszyn, J. & Schille, F. Fauna Motyli Polski. Tom II. Opracowal. page: 268 |
Calybites phasianipennella (Hübner, 1813) |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page: 213 |
Calybites phasianipennella (Hübner, 1813) |
Estonia |
Kesküla, T., Martin, M., Pedmanson, R. & Miller, R. 1996. Records of some Microlepidoptera in Estonia. page: 11 |
Dialectica aemula (Meyrick, 1916) |
Australia |
Kumata, T. & Horak, M. 1997. The native Dialectica aemula (Meyrick) and the introduced Dialectica scalariella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in Australia - characterization of two closely related species on Boraginaceae. page: 27 |
Dialectica aemula (Meyrick, 1916) |
India |
Fletcher, T. B. 1933. Life histories of Indian Microlepidoptera (Second Series). Cosmopterygidae to Neopseustidae. page: 46 |
Dialectica aemula (Meyrick, 1916) |
Australia |
Kumata, T. & Horak, M. 1997. The native Dialectica aemula (Meyrick) and the introduced Dialectica scalariella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in Australia - characterization of two closely related species on Boraginaceae. page: 27 |
Dialectica aemula (Meyrick, 1916) |
India |
Fletcher, T. B. 1933. Life histories of Indian Microlepidoptera (Second Series). Cosmopterygidae to Neopseustidae. page: 46 |
Dialectica aemula (Meyrick, 1916) |
Nepal |
Kumata, T. & Horak, M. 1997. The native Dialectica aemula (Meyrick) and the introduced Dialectica scalariella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in Australia - characterization of two closely related species on Boraginaceae. page: 27 |
Dialectica aemula (Meyrick, 1916) |
Australia |
Kumata, T. & Horak, M. 1997. The native Dialectica aemula (Meyrick) and the introduced Dialectica scalariella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in Australia - characterization of two closely related species on Boraginaceae. page: 27 |
Dialectica aemula (Meyrick, 1916) |
India |
Meyrick, E. 1916a. Exotic Microlepidoptera. page: 628 |
Dialectica aemula (Meyrick, 1916) |
Nepal |
Kumata, T., Kuroko, H. & Ermolaev, V. P. 1988a. Japanese species of the Acrocercops-group (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Part I. page: 80 |
Dialectica anselmella Guillermet, 2011 |
Guillermet, C. 2011b. Les Hétérocères ou papillons de nuit, de l'île de La Réunion. Volume 4. page: 183 |
Dialectica anselmella Guillermet, 2011 |
Guillermet, C. 2011b. Les Hétérocères ou papillons de nuit, de l'île de La Réunion. Volume 4. page: 183 |
Dialectica carcharota (Meyrick, 1912) |
South Africa |
De Prins, W. & De Prins, J. 2005. Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera). In: Landry, B. (Ed.), World catalogue of insects. Volume 6. page: 171 |
Dialectica carcharota (Meyrick, 1912) |
Ethiopia |
Vári, L. 1963. Neue afrikanische Microlepidoptera. page: 8 |
Dialectica carcharota (Meyrick, 1912) |
Vári, L. 1961. South African Lepidoptera. Vol. I. Lithocolletidae. page: 142 |
Dialectica cordiaecola Vári, 1961 |
South Africa |
Vári, L. 1961. South African Lepidoptera. Vol. I. Lithocolletidae. page: 146 |