Phyllocnistis furcata Vargas & Cerdeña, 2020

Higher taxa: Gracillariidae (family)/  Phyllocnistinae (subfamily)/  Phyllocnistini (tribe)/  Phyllocnistis (genus)/ 
Authorship:Vargas & Cerdeña, 2020
Citation:Phyllocnistis furcata Vargas & Cerdeña, sp. nov.
Original genus:Phyllocnistis
Publication:Cerdeña, J., Farfán, J., Vargas, H. A., Brito, R., Gonçalves, G. L., Lazo, A. & Moreira, G. R. P. 2020. Phyllocnistis furcata sp. nov.: a new species of leaf-miner associated with Baccharis (Asteraceae) from Southern Peru (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae).
Pagination:126–136, Figs 1–7
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Phyllocnistis furcata Vargas & Cerdeña, 2020 Holotype MUSM Holotype ♂, MUSM Peru Peru, Arequipa, Characato, 2400 m, VIII–IX.2018; J. Cerdeña, H. Vargas & J. Farfan leg.
Phyllocnistis furcata Vargas & Cerdeña, 2020 Paratype LMCI Paratypes 4♂, 4♀ MUSM, MUSA_ENT 015142, 015143, LMCI. Peru Peru, Arequipa, Characato, 2400 m, VIII–IX.2018; J. Cerdeña, H. Vargas & J. Farfan leg.

DNA voucher(s)
MISA051-20  MISA051-20  MISA053-20  MISA054-20  MISA055-20  MISA061-21 

Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination