Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871)

Higher taxa: Gracillariidae (family)/  Lithocolletinae (subfamily)/  Cremastobombycia (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Chambers, 1871)
Citation:L.[ithocolletis] ambrosiaeella. N. sp.
Original genus:Lithocolletis
Publication:Chambers, V. T. 1871. Micro-Lepidoptera.
Journal:Canadian Entomologist
Scientific name TypeStatus Gender Museum Description Country Locality Publication URL
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) Syntype unknown BMNH 1 Syntype ex coll. Chambers, ex coll. Stainton, BMNH. United States, US [U.S.A.], Kentucky. Hagen, H. A. 1884. The types of Tineina in the collection of the museum in Cambridge, Mass. page 127–128
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) unknown Not stated, "common" United States, US [U.S.A.], Kentucky. Hagen, H. A. 1884. The types of Tineina in the collection of the museum in Cambridge, Mass. page 127–128
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) unknown CMCZ "2 Ky.", CMCZ (Hagen 1884: 151) United States, US [U.S.A.], Kentucky. Hagen, H. A. 1884. The types of Tineina in the collection of the museum in Cambridge, Mass. page 127–128
Plant note:

Tentiform mine on underside of leaf.

Scientific name Plant Plant Family Country Publication URL
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) Ambrosia sp. Asteraceae Frey, H. & Boll, J. 1876. Einige Tineen aus Texas. page 221
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) Ambrosia trifida Asteraceae Chambers, V. T. 1871. Micro-Lepidoptera. page 127
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) Helianthus giganteus Asteraceae Chambers, V. T. 1875b. Tineina of the Central United States. page 100
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) Helianthus sp. Asteraceae Chambers, V. T. 1878b. Art. IV.—Tineina and their food-plants. page 116
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) Heterotera squarrosa Asteraceae Frey, H. & Boll, J. 1878. Tineen aus Texas. page 269
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) Verbesina alternifolia Asteraceae Braun, A. F. 1908b. Revision of the North American species of the genus Lithocolletis Hübner. page 352
Cremastobombycia ambrosiaeella (Chambers, 1871) Verbesina sp. Asteraceae Ely, C. R. 1918. A revision of the North-American Gracilariidae [sic] from the standpoint of venation. page 65
Scientific name Parasitoid Parasitoid Family Country Publication URL
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Scientific Name Authorship Rank Status Original Combination
Cremastobombycia ambrosiella (Dyar, [1903]) (Dyar, [1903]) species Misapplied Lithocolletis ambrosiella
Cremastobombycia ambrosiella (Frey & Boll, 1878) (Frey & Boll, 1878) species Synonym Lithocolletis ambrosiella
Cremastobombycia amoena (Frey & Boll, 1878) (Frey & Boll, 1878) species Synonym Lithocolletis amoena
Cremastobombycia nobilissima (Frey & Boll, 1878) (Frey & Boll, 1878) species Synonym Lithocolletis nobilissima