Alnus hirsuta (Turcz.)

Higher taxa: Betulaceae (family)/  Alnus (genus)/ 
Species Country Publication
Caloptilia alni Kumata, 1966 Ermolaev, V. P. 1977. A review of the fauna and ecology of miner-moths (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) of the Primorye Territory. In: The Fauna of Insects of the Far East. page: 109
Caloptilia alni Kumata, 1966 Japan Kumata, T. 1966a. Descriptions of twenty new species of the genus Caloptilia Hübner from Japan including Ryukyu Islands (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). page: 13
Caloptilia alni Kumata, 1966 China Liu, Y. Q. & Yuan, D. 1990. A study of the Chinese Caloptilia Hübner, 1825 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae: Gracillariinae). page: 184
Caloptilia betulicola (Hering, 1928) Russian Federation Ermolaev, V. P. 1987b. Material on the fauna of Gracillariidae from Sakhalin and the southern Kuril Islands. In: Ler, P. A., Kirpichnikova, V. A. & Kononenko, V. S. (Eds.), Lepidoptera of the Soviet Far East. page: 31
Caloptilia pulverea Kumata, 1966 China Liu, Y. Q. & Yuan, D. 1990. A study of the Chinese Caloptilia Hübner, 1825 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae: Gracillariinae). page: 185
Caloptilia sachalinella Ermolaev, 1984 Ermolaev, V. P. 1984. New species of leaf miners (Lepidoptera) from Sakhalin. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), Systematics of insects from the Far East. page: 54
Dendrorycter marmaroides Kumata, 1978 Japan Kumata, T. 1978. A new stem-miner of alder in Japan, with a review of the larval transformation in the Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera). page: 3, 12
Parornix alni Kumata, 1965 Japan Kumata, T. 1965a. On the species of the genera Parornix Spuler and Callisto Stephens occurring in Japan, with descriptions of two new species (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). page: 65
Parornix alni Kumata, 1965 Ermolaev, V. P. 1987b. Material on the fauna of Gracillariidae from Sakhalin and the southern Kuril Islands. In: Ler, P. A., Kirpichnikova, V. A. & Kononenko, V. S. (Eds.), Lepidoptera of the Soviet Far East. page: 32
Phyllonorycter hancola (Kumata, 1958) Japan Kumata, T. 1958. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Lithocolletis feeding on Alnus in Japan (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae). page: 137
Phyllonorycter kisoensis Kumata & Park, 1978 Ermolaev, V. P. 1981b. New data on the fauna and ecology of mining species (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) in the south of the Far East. In: Krivolutskaya, G. O., Egorov, A. B., Fedikova, V. S. (Eds.), New information on insects of the Far East. page: 83
Phyllonorycter kisoensis Kumata & Park, 1978 Japan Kumata, T. & Park, K.-T. 1978. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Phyllonorycter Hübner from Japan and Korea, with notes on the longispinata-group (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). page: 33
Phyllonorycter longispinata (Kumata, 1958) Japan Kumata, T. 1961b. Descriptions of a new genus and a new species of Gracillariidae from Japan (Lepidoptera). page: 56
Phyllonorycter maculata (Kumata, 1963) Japan Kumata, T. 1963a. Taxonomic studies on the Lithocolletinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) Part I. page: 66
Phyllonorycter strigulatella (Zeller, 1846) Ermolaev, V. P. 1987b. Material on the fauna of Gracillariidae from Sakhalin and the southern Kuril Islands. In: Ler, P. A., Kirpichnikova, V. A. & Kononenko, V. S. (Eds.), Lepidoptera of the Soviet Far East. page: 33
Phyllonorycter strigulatella (Zeller, 1846) Germany Osthelder, L. 1951. Die Schmetterlinge Südbayerns und der angrenzenden nördlichen Kalkalpen. II. Teil. Die Kleischmetterlinge. 2. Heft. Glyphipterygidae bis Micropterygidae. page: 218
Phyllonorycter strigulatella (Zeller, 1846) Japan Kumata, T. 1963a. Taxonomic studies on the Lithocolletinae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) Part I. page: 65