Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Lithuania |
Ivinskis, P., Pakalniškis, S. & Puplesis, R. 1985. Augalus minuojantys vabzdziai. page: 79 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Poland |
Buszko, J. & Baraniak, E. 1989. Studies on the mining Lepidoptera of Poland. IV. Mining Lepidoptera of the Bielinek Reserve. page: 228 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Slovakia |
Hrubý, K. 1964. Prodromus Lepidopterorum Slovaciae. page: 215 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Finland |
Kerppola, S. 1997. Pikkuperhostiedonannot 1995 [Records of Microlepidoptera from Finland 1995 (Lepidoptera: Micropterigidae-Limacodidae)]. page: 51 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Netherlands |
Kuchlein, J. H. 2008. De mineermot Caloptilia hemidactylella. page: 17 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Denmark |
Buhl, O., Falck, P., Karsholt, O., Larsen, K. & Vilhelmsen, F. 2009. Records of Microlepidoptera from Denmark in 2008 (Lepidoptera). page: 70 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Estonia |
Kerppola, S. 1994. Saaremaa (Oesel) - geography, climate, vegetation and Lepidoptera. page: 129 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Germany |
Biesenbaum, W. 2010. Die Lepidopterenfauna der Rheinlande und Westfalens. Band 15. familie Bucculatricidae Fracker, 1915. Familie: Gracillariidae Stainton, 1854. Unterfamilie: Gracillariinae Stainton, 1854. page: 72 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
Belgium |
de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, G. 1906. Catalogue raisonné des Microlépdoptères de Belgique. page: 88 |
Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page: 10 |
Caloptilia jurateae Bentsson, 2010 |
Sweden |
Bengtsson, B. A. 2010a. Caloptilia jurateae sp. n., a sibling species of Caloptilia semifascia (Haworth, 1828) (Lepidoptera Gracillariidae). page: 111 |
Caloptilia jurateae Bentsson, 2010 |
Norway |
Bengtsson, B. A. 2010a. Caloptilia jurateae sp. n., a sibling species of Caloptilia semifascia (Haworth, 1828) (Lepidoptera Gracillariidae). page: 111 |
Caloptilia jurateae Bentsson, 2010 |
Finland |
Bengtsson, B. A. 2010a. Caloptilia jurateae sp. n., a sibling species of Caloptilia semifascia (Haworth, 1828) (Lepidoptera Gracillariidae). page: 111 |
Caloptilia jurateae Bentsson, 2010 |
Germany |
Haslberger, A., Segerer, A. H., Grünewald, T. & Lichtmannecker, P. 2017. Ergänzungen, Aktualisierungen und Korrekturen zur Checkliste der Schmetterlinge Bayerns (2. Beitrag) page: 17 |
Caloptilia packardella (Chambers, 1872) |
Darlington, E. P. 1945. Notes on some Microlepidoptera. page: 92 |
Caloptilia rufipennella (Hübner, 1796) |
Austria |
Hartig, F. 1964. Microlepidotteri della Venezia Tridentina e delle regioni adiacenti. Parte III. (Fam. Gelechiidae - Micropterigidae). page: 168 |
Caloptilia rufipennella (Hübner, 1796) |
Lithuania |
Ivinskis, P., Pakalniškis, S. & Puplesis, R. 1985. Augalus minuojantys vabzdziai. page: 80 |
Caloptilia rufipennella (Hübner, 1796) |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page: 9 |
Caloptilia semifascia (Haworth, 1828) |
Estonia |
Kesküla, T., Martin, M., Pedmanson, R. & Miller, R. 1996. Records of some Microlepidoptera in Estonia. page: 11 |
Caloptilia semifascia (Haworth, 1828) |
France |
Nel, J. & Varenne, T. 2015b. Gracillariinae (s. l.) Phyllocnistinae de France. page: 10 |
Phyllonorycter jezoniella (Matsumura, 1931) |
Ermolaev, V. P. 1988. Gracillariid moths of the genus Lithocolletis Hbn. (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) trophically associated with elm and maple in the south of the Far East. page: 356 |
Phyllonorycter joannisi (Le Marchand, 1936) |
Sweden |
Benander, P. 1944. Sveriges Lithocolletider (Gracilariidae) [sic]. page: 116 |
Phyllonorycter joannisi (Le Marchand, 1936) |
Denmark |
Buhl, O., Falck, P., Karsholt, O., Larsen, K. & Schnack, K. 1990. Fund af småsommerfugle fra Danmark i 1988 (Lepidoptera). page: 35 |
Phyllonorycter joannisi (Le Marchand, 1936) |
Belgium |
Dufrane, A. 1942a. Microlépidoptères de la faune belge, (1re note). page: 10 |
Phyllonorycter joannisi (Le Marchand, 1936) |
United Kingdom |
Emmet, A. M. 1988. A field guide to the smaller British Lepidoptera. Second edition. page: 67 |