Lathyrus linifolius ((Reichard) Bassler)

Higher taxa: Fabaceae (family)/  Lathyrus (genus)/ 
Authorship:(Reichard) Bassler
Species Country Publication
Micrurapteryx gradatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Finland Mutanen, M., Itämies, J., Junnilainen, J., Kaitila, J., Kullberg, J., Mutanen, T. & Välimäki, P. 2003. Noteworthy records of Finnish Microlepidoptera (Micropterygidae-Pyralidae) in 2000. page: 13 (as L. montanus)
Micrurapteryx gradatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Finland Kerppola, S., Kontuniemi, I. & Löfgren, L. 1985. Mikrotiedonannot 1984. page: 80
Micrurapteryx gradatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Norway Aarvik, L., Karsholt, O., Larsen, K. & Schnack, K. 1988. New and interesting records of Lepidoptera from Norway. page: 79
Micrurapteryx gradatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Sweden Benander, P. 1944. Sveriges Lithocolletider (Gracilariidae) [sic]. page: 122
Micrurapteryx gradatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) Kuznetzov, V. I. & Tristan, N. I. 1985. A review of the leaf blotch miners of the genus Micrurapteryx Spuler (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) of the Palaearctic fauna. page: 190
Phyllonorycter nigrescentella (Logan, 1851) Belgium de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, G. 1906. Catalogue raisonné des Microlépdoptères de Belgique. page: 96
Phyllonorycter nigrescentella (Logan, 1851) United Kingdom Barrett, C. G. 1868. Lithocolletis Bremiella on Orobus tuberosus. page: 22
Sauterina hofmanniella (Schleich, 1867) Poland Schille, F. 1931. In Romaniszyn, J. & Schille, F. Fauna Motyli Polski. Tom II. Opracowal. page: 269
Sauterina hofmanniella (Schleich, 1867) Sweden Svensson, I. 1987. Anmärkningsvärda fynd av Microlepidoptera i Sverige 1986. page: 66